The Khanya Winter School was launched in 1999. The reason for it to be launched was to create a platform for debate, discussion, skills training, network and solidarity and struggle. This marks the 21st Khanya College Winter School which will be held from 09th to 14th June 2019 at the House of Movements, Johannesburg.
The theme of school is Movements Building, Organising and the Role of Media, which is looking to achieve the strengthening of social movements and community organisations through developing the theoretical and organisational skills of activists. Through the discussions that activists will engage on will be looking at the role of media, role of women in media, who owns media, do movements and organisations need their own media?
Khanya College has invited 33 organisations and 72 participants in line with the work that the College does, including Khanya Staff (26) and Kitchen casuals (5). This year’s school sent invites to organisations from Southern African Development Community (SADC), namely Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola.
The School is organised in such a way that activists work together collectively in groups and stay modern accommodation in Johannesburg. Preference is given to those activists from organisations engaged in struggles. The School uses popular education methodologies. The organisations that are invited have been invited are in the following sectors; Environment, Legal, Women, Health, Labour, Unions, Media, Reseacher, Land and Agriculture.