Gauteng Council Associate Women’s Wing (G.C.A.W.W)

G.C.A.W.W is a Women’s Forum that was formed in 2018 by a group of Women who strongly believe in their fellow women’s struggles. This organisation was formed by a group of women who come from different backgrounds, who are the unemployed, workers, business.

The main objective at G.C.A.W.W. is to eliminate poverty in the communities that the members live as a priority, which as a community women activist, G.C.A.W.W. need to transfer education and skills to the community women who are in need of education and skills.

G.C.A.W.W is a structure that needs help. The structure is not yet registered formally. The structure needs to be recognised and for the structure to be strong the members must work hand in hand in the structure and work hand in hand with the community. She says time and energy need to be pulled in so that the structure can succeed. And she added saying that during the monthly meeting she will address the workers and the community about what she learns.

She further said what she learns at this year’s Khanya College Winter School, she will give back to the community; the skill of writing and reading to the community youth and the women who came and joined the movement. She also said all the women who come to the movement have to understand the struggle of the women and women’s voices must be heard no matter what. 

Women understand the struggle as they are activists and looking forward to fight for their rights. The Gauteng Council Associate Women Wing has built another movement which will help the poor in the community who are in need of things like food and clothes, etc.

 By. B.W. Dludla

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